Marriage License Info
What do I need to know about the marriage license for my legal (official) Wedding?
(The Marriage Bureau is located at 201 Clark Ave, on the corner of 3rd street and Clark Ave. It is at the Clark County Regional Justice Center (also known as the New Courthouse) Hours of operation are: 8 AM to 12 Midnight, 7 days a week)
The cost is $102 , no appointment necessary. All you need is one form of ID., Drive's License or Passport. There is no waiting period in the State of Nevada and no blood test is required. Pre-Registering is encouraged so go to to Pre-Register. Both parties must be present. If you are divorced, it must be final. You must know the month, year, city, and state in which the divorce was finalized. If you are under the age of 18 and over the age of 16, you must have parental consent. (If you are under the age of 16, please call the Clark County Marriage Bureau for information). If you have any additional question or need further information, please call the Clark County Marriage Bureau at (702) 671-0600.
Need your Certified Copy Fast?
We can Expedite your Marriage License and have your Certified copy Ready at the chapel for pick up on the Next business day.
To Find out about details and prices please call the chapel direct at 702-383-5909 or email us at
Can I do a fun wedding ceremony without any legal papers?
YES. You can choose from any of our packages for just a "fun wedding" or a "commitment ceremony".